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  • Sweat: Work Day Reset

    5 videos  |   Rent $60

    Work up a sweat to "reset" your body and mind! Starting with a 3 Day Shoulder + Mobility Series to relaxes those tense "keyboard" shoulders. Then a Stretch + Release curated for an Office Warrior in mind for get the full body release. Finally treat yourself to a Gentle Hatha + Meditation practice...

  • Mindfulness: Meditation Practice

    5 videos  |   Rent $60

    Enjoy 5 Days of Meditation with Patricia. Great for beginners looking to shut out the outside world and look inwards. Catered to each weekday. Leave feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.

  • Mindfulness: Cool, Calm, and Collected

    3 videos  |   Rent $35

    Enjoy 3 classes designed to ensure you remain cool, calm and collected even with our busy schedules. Practice Yin, Restorative and a Gentle Hatha with Meditation.

    Yin Yoga with Mabel
    Spend some quality time with yourself. Come settle into different station poses that offer diverse options for b...